
How to stop period pain immediately at home

Period pain can be stoped with some simple and easy tricks, but do not forget that what works for one person may not work for another. Here are a few steps for stoping period pain which you can try:


Apply Heat:

By putting a warm pad or hot water bottle on your belly can also help.This warmth will make your muscles relax,which means they will not feel as tight or sore. When your muscles relax,it can also reduce the painful squeezing feeling you may have during your period.


Pain Meds:

You can also get some pills like Advil or Motrin that you can buy from any medical store and these do not need doctor’s note.These pills will stop period pain. They work by reducing the inflammation and relaxing the muscles,so you feel better.


Drink Water:

When you drink large amount of water than it helps your body to remove of extra fluid that can cause bloating. So, Drink water regularly to feel more comfortable during your period.


Move Around:

Taking gentle walks or doing simple yoga can make you feel better during your period. These exercises help you by making your blood move around your body better. When your blood flows well, it can stop felling the pain.So,if you are able to do than try doing some simple exercises like walking or yoga.


Herbal Tea:

Ginger or chamomile teas are smart solution of period pain.These teas conatin some ingredients that can help in relaxing your muscles.For example,Ginger tea has properties that can reduce inflammation. So, drinking these teas might be a nice way for making yourself feel more better.


Eat Smart:

Try to not eat too much salty food,drink caffeine or have alcohol during your period.Because salty foods can make your body hold onto more water , which can lead to more pain. Caffeine can tighten your blood vessels,making cramps more intense. Alcohol can dehydrate your body due to which your muscles tense up,Therefore,it is good for you to avoid these things during your period.



Gently massaging your belly or lower back can make you feel better.When someone massages these areas softly,it can help relax the muscles and lessen the pain. It is just like giving your body a little comforting hug.

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