
Benefits of drinking hot water and lemon in the morning


After sleeping few hours your body dehydrate,So,Drinking hot water with lemon in morning rehydrate your body,due to which you feel healthy and fresh througout the day.Therefore,it is recommended to drink water in morning.

Digestive Health:

Lemon juice is well known for speeding up digestion because it stimulate the production of digestive juice.Also,Hot water can maintain temperature of your stomach due to which digestion may speed up,So,drinking hot water with lemon juice is best solution of digestion probloms(some problems not all)

Immune System Boost:

Lemon juice contain large amount of vitamin C(A single lemon can provide around 30-40 mg of vitamin C)which is important nutrients for our immune system.And our immune system can not work properly without vitamin C.Also it is my personal experience that by drinking lemon juice daily you can improve your immune system.

Skin Health:

Vitamin C present in lemon juice also help to reduce skin wrinkles.Also by drinking lemon water we can purge toxins from our blood,due to which skin will be more clear and healthy.

Weight Management:

Drinking lemon water can reduce hunger,Due to which you will eat less.Its mean that you can also loss your weight by drinking hot lemon water regularly.

Energy Boost:

By drinking combination of hot water and lemon we can boost our energy level.Lemon water also decrease stress level,its mean that you can also change your mood by drinking lemon water.

Enhanced Nutrient Absorption:

The acidity provided by lemon juice also help our stomach to absorb more nutrient from the food we taken.Due to which we can get a large amount of eanergy without eating too much.

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